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發布時間: 2024-06-30 12:17:43

A. 《馴龍高手2》觀後感,用英語,100字。謝謝,麻煩快點!

觀後感The Dragon inside is really cute. Although it is very big, it is very timid. When I look at it, I feel that my heart will melt.The characters of the film are flat, and several protagonists of the film even broke with the first "master of dragon training".

The hero little burp burp is a technical otaku with strong hands-on ability in the first film. He has this characteristic. He doesn't even have the characteristics of any technical otaku in the film.

A large part of this fracture lies in the complexity of the roles in the film, The role of the protagonist's mother had a long reversal before she appeared - the film portrayed her as a villain like death. Some are unexpected and difficult to accept.




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