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发布时间: 2021-02-22 10:27:31

❶ 吸塑模、刀口模、热合模,分别用英语怎么说

吸塑模;Compression mold
刀口模;cut mode
热合模;hot mold

❷ “开模用英语怎么说呀

开模 make a mould, invest a new mould 皆可


开模行程,open ould stroke
定产,order proction
定产效率,efficiency of order proction
注胶切换点,glue-injection switching point
保压压力1,protective pressure
倒索,inverse sling
模保护,mould protection
关模版低压,close mould low pressure
炮筒温度权,gun barrel temperature
回料量,returning amount
注射压力,injecting pressure
色母配比,raw color ratio mixing
配套摸具,matched mold
顶针次数,thimble times
立式注胶机 vertical injector
工艺卡, WSP(work specification procere)
工 作 指 导work instruction

❹ 高分求模具英文翻译

No mold line of spindles spinning plastic mold design

The nil-ray tube spindles spinning plastic injection mold design, the key is to die with the ramp-pumping device and to accurately determine the direction of mold and mold guarantee Line is not in the external surface of the tubes. For purposes consider that it is used for winding yarn, which calls for the tubes outer surface smooth enough, This article solve design problems to provide an explanation. And pieces of plastic materials, the quality of analysis and volume calculation, a reasonable selection of injection molding machinery, as well as various parameters of the check, design a reasonable, affordable, suitable plastic injection mold.

Injection Mold; Pumped-ramp; No mold line

❺ "开模具" 用英文怎么说

make a mold

❻ 请问,开模具的英文怎么说

表示模具的词有“mould” “die” open,make,develop客户应该都可以明白的

❼ “模具”用英语怎么说

mold; mould; die; tooling;matrix; pattern

❽ 合模英文翻译

gather the mold(合模)

❾ 开模英语怎么说,比如手机壳要开模

开模是break the mould,我们对老外说open the mould他们也明白。名词是die sinking或mould unloading.
如果你的意思是要开一副模具即做专一副模具那可用属to make a mould.

❿ 注塑模,一个模具开好几个不同的产品,这种模具专业英语怎么说

More than a mould cavity

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