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发布时间: 2021-03-07 09:51:57

A. 冶金 英语文章翻译


B. 求翻译 一篇有关转炉钢铁冶金外文文献的摘要


C. 冶金专业英语翻译 急急! 不要机器翻译的!!!!!!!


To the world of waste the harm is mainly white pollution, and harm to human health, damage plants and animals to survive, the pollution of ecological environment, and the waste harmless handling difficult, burning process may vent harmful material, landfill problem, etc. In recent years with the constant development of economy, also as instrialization process accelerating, such as nanjing, and some big cities proce more and more of waste plastics and graally become more and more pressure to the urban environment is one of the important factors for effective and reasonable, therefore, to solve the "white pollution" measures, has become a concern. In this paper, the pellet with plastic within as the research object, the analysis of plastic in the condition of different ratio pellet metallurgy influence on the performance of the gas, the plastic of the remainder of the pore after solution to improve permeability and improve the team the team rection rate role, and the experiment results show that, within the team with certain proportion plastic pellets down can enhance the strength, compressive strength, increase the porosity of the team, improve the team to achieve the rection of rate, rational use of waste plastics, and for steel enterprises to increase economic benefits。


D. 冶金专业英语翻译。。。。

焙烧可以影响冶炼过程中的干燥程度和煅烧效果。例如,第一阶段将CuS煅烧成专Cu2S,S与空气结合产生SO2,第二属阶段必须保持通风使局部压强低于外部加强空气流通稀释SO2, 使得进一步氧化产生2CuO和SO2,

不懂冶金 ,不晓得是不是这个意思 ,你可以自己斟酌一下

E. 冶金英语翻译

Coke oven gas blast injection to rece carbon emissions; The blast furnace tuyere zone gas injection quantity of coke oven gas with measured increase and rece; After using hydrogen instead of carbon monoxide as hydrogen content increased, ore's rective degree increase; H2 increasing percentages converted can rece coke reactive, save coke; Coke reactions intensity (CSR) will as H2 or CO2 increases and reced.

F. 求翻译两段冶金炼铁专业英语——在线等

Through many years of research anddevelopment, coal injection system of Chengde Iron and Steel Group is characterizedwith present typical coal injection technological process, that is, moderatespeed pulverization---off gas and fume drying by hot blast stove—bag filtercollection—double pot direct injection—single pipe injection + distributor injection.Technological process mainly covers three parts as storing, delivering and coalingsystem, pulverization system and injection system.

Next I will show you around the site.

This is coal feeder, by which processingcapability oriented coal feeding is materialized.
This is coal pulverizer, which canpulverize raw coal into 0.075mm coal powder.
This is coal injection tank. Coal powdercan be conveyed into blast furnace by pressure to burn in lieu of coke andsupply heat for iron making.

Now is the end of my introction and youare welcome to visit coal injection workshop!


G. 冶金专业翻译

热轧板卷在萨尔达尼亚钢的生产是完全基于650000t /铁水从炼铁厂和直接还原铁从这些产品内的plantboth博士800000t /加工优容质钢在双壳电弧炉,然后在热轧薄板连铸连轧。约50%的生产的热轧卷出口和50%冷轧和Duferco钢处理进一步处理,相邻的冷轧复合的Val早交钥匙的基础上建立的。由于钢铁厂是建在西开普的环境敏感地区,它是必要的,只有环保技术采用。成熟的环境特征决定了COREX技术因此saldanda钢是用于炼铁的阶段,这个过程的选择。此外,由VAI高度创新的污泥造粒厂工艺粉尘洗涤器污泥在水泥工业中的应用。几种COREX C-2000模块安装和操作成功后,公司现在的COREX 3000模块进入市场。这将是能够产生1.2和1400000吨/热金属之间。在比较COREX C-2000模块有一个标称容量之间的600000和1000000的放大生产单元的T / A的优点是降低生产成本会随着特定的消费数字下降以及具体的投资成本。

H. 求高手翻译,冶金专业英语,那些网上工具翻译出来的就免了!!!

达到铜萃取> 95%在95°C四至六小时精磨后的浓缩液(P90 = 41μm)。然而,铜提取
超过99%的精细地罗萨里奥浓缩液(P90 = 37μm)。针铁矿浸在模型试验中,89%的铜提取

I. 我有一篇冶金方面的中文文章想把它翻译成英文,请问用什么软件。在网上能下吗


J. 有没有一种翻译冶金专业英语的软件


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